In the Beginning…
Seed Idea
-Focus on Vessel
Initial Waxes
-Inner Form
-Not so Attached
Forming the Figure
Early Figures -Cast Wax -Mold Troubles -Features Angel, Constantine,
and Devil
Originally meant as toppers
for cast iron vessel
Revised Figure
-Sculpted Wax - Features just Constantine - Moves Focus to the Figure
Who Is This Constantine Fellow?
the one who steps from the shadows, all trench coat and cigarette and arrogance,
ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I've got it all sewn up. I can save you. If
it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive your demons away. I'll kick
them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down, and then I'll be gone
back into the darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk
my path alone... who would want to walk with me?”
Constantine (Vertigo Comic)
Molding a Thought
Sand Molds - New Process - Attracted to Fire - Go Big - Support Rod
Back to the Vessel : Process
Redirects Concept
Mixing Mediums
Dragon - Terra Cotta - Coil Method - Soda Fired
Base Casting, Direct Pour, Wire Wheel, Natural Rust Patina, Glass Kiln
-Poured into
Hot Iron Base (1200F) - Terra Cotta
Dust Underneath
Conclusion: Lost Hero
Constantine is an unorthodox and relatively unknown hero. His series was left
behind while others prosper in today’s world; the same world that is also
leaving religion behind. Less and less individuals are being interested in
religion and even less are being active in religion. Constantine fights his
battles within the spiritual realm and although he is no priest, he is still an
exorcist. This ties to the loss of religious interest, and this piece serves as
a holding place for loss, whether small like the loss of a fictional character
or the loss of a piece of culture.
The Gethsemane Grail: The True Cup of Christ: Thrown Stoneware :
“My Father, if it is possible, may
this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39
“You don’t know what you are
asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the
baptism I am baptized with?” Mark 10:38
Work made during Junior Sculpture Foundry Fall '15 with Professor Coral Penelope Lambert
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