Monday, February 6, 2012

Nor'easter Iron Preconference Workshop at Alfred

'Environmental Foundry Workshop : Clay Molds For Cast Iron, A Sustainable and Viable Practice.

This Nor'Easter Pre-conference Workshop will be held at The National Casting Center Foundry, Alfred University, New York.


Led by Professor Coral Lambert, Director of the National Casting Center Foundry the workshop will cover African Ashanti and Japanese Sogata Clay molding. Participants will learn recipes, techniques and produce molds to be cast in iron at the Nor'easter conference in Buffalo.
The 'Environmental Foundry Workshop' will run from  Fri Nov 9th - Tuesday 13th 2012
Each day will consist of a morning Demo and an afternoon Lecture. Particpants will have full access to the facilties at The National Casting Center Foundry for hands on mold making. Charcoal firing of the clay molds will take place at Alfred and be transported to the conference in Buffalo byTuesday 13th Nov.

Spaces are limited to the first ten to sign up. Deposit $50.
A total cost of $120 will be for materials, and transport of molds to the conference which is about a two hour drive.

Lodging as well as travel to and from Alfred and Food will the the responsibility of the individual. We will be more than happy to arrange pick up and drop off at the local airport/bustop/Amtrak can be arranged.

Checks payable to Alfred University : We have no payment online set up so please mail your chack payable to Alfred University to Professor Lambert, Chair of Sculpture Dimensional Studies, Alfred University, 2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802.

For further information please contact Professor Coral Lambert at

1 comment:

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

This sounds like an incredibly interesting workshop.